Adam and I brought in the New Year with some huge news....
On December 29, 2013, one of my best friends, Tess, texted me and said she had a dream that I was pregnant so when I called her to hear about this crazy dream, she told me that her dreams like that are usually right. It turns out, she's practically psychic.
Here's the story. At the end of November, we (almost secretly) decided to start trying for a baby. After a couple nights of reading and researching I found out that it takes most couples to conceive within 3 months to possibly a year. That definitely wasn't the case for us, one month, or to be more specific, a 24-hour time frame of ovulating is all it took. I can sometimes be extremely impatient so when I started feeling all these strange symptoms early on (which I had read about in a book called The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant), I took a test about 4 days before my missed period and got an immediate positive. I told Adam right away to come and look at the test and he was so ecstatic! We are both overwhelmed with happiness.
Baby Gutierrez is due September 7th 2014!
Baby Gutierrez is due September 7th 2014!
The last few weeks, as I am 5-6 weeks pregnant right now, have been a roller-coaster. My biggest symptom is cramping which is really scary to me considering cramping can be a sign of miscarriage. I generally have the most horrible cramps monthly during my girl time so I can understand why theses ones are pretty bad too, it's just my body's way of adjusting, like many other women. After asking every resource I could possibly think of, cramping appears to be totally normal and is just your body stretching and making room for the new baby.
Despite the bad, mostly night-time cramping, I have not yet (crossing my fingers) experienced any morning sickness. I do, however, have crazy back pain already, acne, back-ne, food aversions, food cravings, and light mood swings - majority of the time I'm ridiculously happy and I love it! My first doctor's appointment should be this week, the second week of January, just to confirm the pregnancy and then I should be going back during weeks 10-12 for my first ultrasound to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. I am beyond excited.
This has truly been the best gift we could ever receive from God and we couldn't feel more blessed that we've been given this life changing miracle.