How far along: 10 weeks
How big is baby: The size of a prune!
Weight gain: I haven't checked! Will update at 12 weeks.
Maternity clothes: I actually bought some of my first maternity shirts and some regular leggings this week. I should have always just bought maternity shirts! they're so comfortable and they're long so they aren't always rising up, I love them!
Sleep: I'm going to bed much earlier and waking up once in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I'm constantly tired though and short of breath. Other than that, I'm sleeping fine still on my sides, back, or stomach.
Best moment of the week: I got through the Wild West Tournament in Wyoming and the freezing cold! I had to sneak away to take a nap but it was definitely worth it. :)
Food aversions: Still have aversions like crazy, my biggest one is the trash can - even the fresh bags that go in the trash can before there's any trash in it. Makes me gag!
Symptoms: Little to no cramping, nausea but no puking, headaches and backaches and I'm starting to feel the bladder pressure everyone talks about, lots and lots of bathroom trips! Ha.... I'm still wearing my Mama Sea Bands for the nausea and I refuse to take them off during the day. I've been wearing them since about week 5 or so. Plus preggie pops lollipops that help and I keep tart candy around like blow pops and caramel apple candies.
Belly Button: Innie
Movement: it's still too early to feel anything but I know our baby is doing summersaults and dancing in there like crazy.
Gender: We'll get to find out in a few more weeks!
What I’m looking forward to: We are actually looking at houses again and entertaining the idea of building a new home in Dacono since the market otherwise isn't all that great this time around. The distance is the only set back for that one. I'm looking forward to finally finding the one and settling in so that we can be ready for baby Gutierrez! Here's a virtual tour of the floor plan we fell in love with:
What I miss: My jeans!