I knew having a baby would turn me into a huge sapp but the levels of selflessness and generosity that it has given me are insurmountable. I want to give my daughter the world the way that she has given it to me.
Long gone are the days of high school drama and careless carefree attitudes.
Long gone are the early college-age years that equate a girl's life to a total spiral of self-exploration and commitment to number one.
My focus is now on my baby girl and her amazing, always giving, Daddy.
Everything I do, everything I think about doing, involves a thought process on how it would or wouldn't affect Harper.
I put my whole heart and soul into my new life with them.
Raising a daughter, or a child for that matter, is a real job. But because I put my all into it, I can proudly say that this is exactly where I want to be.
That's why it means the absolute world to me when I'm gifted with the compliment that I'm an amazing mother. ...And likewise, could shatter my spirit when somebody speaks negatively over my parenting/motherhood. Whether they say something directly to me or I hear it through the grapevine, it is the worst thing you can hear as a new mom.
It is important for us new mamas to uplift each other with love and an abundance of support, at the least - through compliments. I believe I am a great mom because it's my ultimate goal to be.
I am fortunate to have built my life the way that I have. The steps I've taken, the challenges I have faced, and the mistakes I've made are what have made me the person and mother that I am today.
At an early age, I fell in love with babies. From there on out I worked with children, specifically infants, as a preschool teacher, a nursery teacher, a daycare teacher, a nanny, and I've even accomplished part of my degree in Early Childhood Education.
I have accumulated such a variety of resources to help me raise my daughter that you better believe I have taken advantage of them. Therefore, I know I am doing everything in my power to be the best mom I can be and give Harper as much of the world as I possibly can.
Now obviously, I'm not perfect. I'm not a non-drinking, locked up in the house 24/7, kind of mom as I definitely enjoy a glass of wine (or 2) or a beer with lunch, etc., and I take my daughter on all of our business trips so we are constantly in motion. I also get out with my girlfriends anywhere from once a month to once a week, whether we go out for drinks, go to dinner, or just lay low and watch a movie. I think that's important. However, I know what balance is and how crucial it is that I establish balance to some measure in our everyday routine.
Getting to my point, nobody, new mom/veteran mom/or even a non-mom, can say that a mom who is trying her very best is unfit in her role. Or that they don't like the way she parents her child. Is it even possible to compare parenting when every parent's style is different? I don't really think so.
First and foremost: To my favorite mama friends out there, YOU ARE A PHENOMENAL MOM!
My advice to all the women out there who get together with their girlfriends and need something to talk about:
Be humble. Stay positive. Keep it classy.
And compliment your mama friends, no matter who you're talking to or about!!
Be humble. Stay positive. Keep it classy.
And compliment your mama friends, no matter who you're talking to or about!!