Sunday, July 13, 2014

31 Weeks

How far along: 31 Weeks
How big is baby: Harper is the size of a pineapple

We can't wait to meet our sweet girl!! Adam is going to be the best Daddy there is. He might not publicly admit it, but he is loving shopping for baby girl outfits, shoes, and anything that has to do with Harper. He's really excited. Light of my life <3

Alright...I had to take a couple pre-pool pictures to show off my bare-belly. Also, I don't know the people in this picture below but it is too accurate not to put up. I think Adam and I will have to recreate it ourselves with the melons.

Adam being goofy ;)

Weight gain: No idea until my 32 week checkup.

Maternity clothes: Maxi dresses still and constantly wearing Adam's clothes.
Sleep: Decent sleep compared to what I've read other mamas go through...I only wake up once to go to the bathroom as opposed to something crazy like 6 times. I am having crazy & weird dreams though so sleep is restless sometimes. Plus I have a million pillows surrounding me now.

Best moment of the week:  This week we were in Las Vegas, Nevada for a unique event that RMN (Gutierrez family company) teamed up with UFC for. We held a wrestling tournament in the Mandalay Bay alongside the UFC Fan Expo where 3 of our wrestling champions were awarded in the octagon.

While we were there, Rheanne (sister in law) took maternity photos of me, she is so talented! Here are a bunch of my favorites that are straight off her camera. Except the first one, I think it was just barely edited :)

Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mothers Soul - such a good read during pregnancy.

 Food cravings: Lemon Blueberry anything!! I literally craved lemon blueberry cream cheese cake for 2-3 weeks straight until I finally made some (something I would never normally crave outside of pregnancy).

Food aversions: None really but sometimes I'm just not in the mood for certain things.

Symptoms: Pregnancy brain is here to stay...
Belly Button: Outtie

Wedding Ring on or off: On, no swelling there or in my feet and I hope it stays that way!

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy happy but with some slight mood swings - mostly when I'm hungry. 

Movement: She has shifted positions so that her feet are always on my right side and up towards my ribs, I love feeling them glide around.

What I’m looking forward to: My baby shower is next Saturday and I'm looking forward to getting our house plus her nursery and everything else in order!

What I miss: clothes! I'll have Harper just in time to shop for cute fall clothes and boots again ;)
Next appt: My 32 week appointment is July 14th.

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