Tuesday, July 15, 2014

32 Weeks

How far along: 32 Weeks
How big is baby: Harper is the size of a squash or a large jicama

Weight gain: 153 lbs! The doctor said I gained 3 lbs since my last appointment, which is good news since I was lectured last time. Harper is measuring right on track and seems to be head down, her heartbeat is strong and she is getting ready for her big debut in 8 weeks!

Maternity clothes: Skirts, Dresses, Rompers, annnd Adam's clothes. I have one pair of maternity shorts that became mandatory once the temperature hit 80.
Best moment of the week: We had our baby shower for my mom's side of the family and everyone went in on buying our stroller! We were pretty adamant about this teal stroller with the bassinet attachment, which is exactly what they got us :)

On top of that, Julie helped me pick out and then bought Harper's stroller over the weekend and it is perfect. We get it on Wednesday, July 16 and then we will finally be able to put her room together! We're still missing a few little things but I have them all picked out on Amazon just waiting for checkout. I'm so grateful and fully appreciative of how supportive and amazing our family is. We truly are blessed, I have no doubt in my mind that Harper will be raised with so much love.

Once we got these two big things, Adam and I immediately went to Babies R Us and pretty much almost finished the rest of the baby shopping.

 Food cravings: Anything light, refreshing, crisp, and healthy. The other night I wanted cranberry juice for dessert...

I still do have a sweet tooth though so I've been craving Hazelnut Frappuccinos with a banana blended in and drizzled with caramel syrup and caramel ribbon crunch pieces. Heaven.
 My sister makes me delicious fruit juice cocktails too, like this watermelon one. Yum!

Food aversions: Nothing fried or heavy sounds good.

Symptoms: Pregnancy brain, backache, exhaustion, yoouuu knooow - the usual.
Belly Button: Outtie

Wedding Ring on or off: On, no swelling there or in my feet and I hope it stays that way!

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy

Movement: She sleeps for longer periods of time now that we're getting close to her due date and is extremely active at night when I'm relaxing with Adam. She loves kicking for him and going crazy in there. Everyday he asks me to "make Harper hurry up and come out" because he said he can't wait to just hang out with her. Melts my heart.

What I’m looking forward to: Baby shopping some more! The little girl clothes are too cute to pass up buying. Adam loves choosing her outfits, especially the neon and bright ones.

What I miss: Nothing really! I just can't wait to meet her!

Next appt: For some reason my doctor's office doesn't do the 4 weeks then 2 weeks then weekly appointments like most other doctors do, instead I've still been going every 4 weeks only and after 36 weeks, which is my next appointment on August 11th, I don't see the doctor again until 38 weeks on August 22nd.

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