Friday, January 9, 2015

1/3 of a Year

Harper Eve,
You are 4 months old now! Already you have traveled to more places than many of my adult friends! You've been on 7 airplanes (it will be 8 this Sunday then 10 by next Sunday), you've been in a limo, to one of Denver's finer restaurants (Elway's), you've seen all of the extraordinary lights at The Denver Zoo over Christmas time, had Thanksgiving Dinner at the fancy Four Seasons hotel in St. Louis (well...mommy and daddy actually ate the dinner but I'm sure you got a little taste of it in your milk ;)), and you've had and will continue to enjoy many more adventures than that. BUT those aren't even my favorite things from the past 4 months. 

In the last four short months, you have:
- Smiled for the first time.
Made eye contact with soo much heart-warming love in your eyes.
Full on belly laughed for the first time.
Held our hands.
Slept on my chest all night just to know you were close to me.
Exercised your vocal cords to some serious laugh-out-loud lengths.
Had happy screaming wars with your Dadda.
Found your own tiny hands and feet and explored them to no end, grabbing onto and playing with everything.
- I even think you've started reaching for mommy, daddy, and other people/things!
Gone from needing all kinds of support when being held to little miss independent holding your head up all on your own. 
-Watched TV like you're all grown up! 
Slept through the night (9-5am or even until 7/8am) several times since you've decided that 8/9pm is your bedtime.
Rolled onto your side and arched your back to sleep in what has now become your favorite sleeping position at night - which, by the way, is in your very own room with your big girl crib!

Last but not least - you have completely and overwhelmingly stolen everybody's heart that has had the pleasure of meeting you! 
On the not so bright side of 4 months: You despise your car seat! When you're in Daddy's car you rarely cry or scream and I think that's because of his fancy schmancy exhaust/noise it makes. But in any other car you will do anything to get out and you wear yourself out trying! In this picture you had just gotten done throwing such a tantrum on our way home from Ripe Eatery in El Paso, Texas that I took you out of your seat and held you the whole way back to the hotel - during which you didn't make one sound hah.

You are one seriously loved baby girl. I wouldn't have it any other way. You're growing like a weed and everytime I look back at your newborn pictures I just want to hold you that small one more time so I pick you up and hug you just like I would want to in another month, a year, and several years down the road from now. ❤️

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