Sunday, May 25, 2014

25 Weeks

How far along: 25 weeks

How big is baby: She's the size of cauliflower

Weight gain: about 15 lbs so far. I'm now 141 lbs.

Maternity clothes: Still dresses and now Adam's boxers as shorts around the house.

Sleep: I'm sleeping more through the night.

Best moment of the week: Well Adam broke (sprained) his ankle and I caught a nasty cold so it hasn't been the best week. The best part was getting to rest in bed and be home for the last few days. Also, my sister-in-law, Rheanne bought me the blue dress that I'm wearing in the picture above and I absolutely love it!

Food cravings:  Raspberries

Food aversions: Little to none.

Symptoms: Back ache!

Belly Button: About 90% outtie.

Wedding Ring on or off: On, no swelling.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! So happy.

Movement: Tons of movement! She pushes up on my belly so I can feel her from the outside. I'm loving this whole experience.

Gender: Girl!

What I’m looking forward to: Getting completely settled into our house, finishing the front room, upstairs loft, and nursery. Annnnd our baby shower coming up on Saturday!

What I miss: Nothing.

Next appt: June 16th

24 Weeks

How far along: 24 weeks

How big is baby: She's the size of a cantaloupe!

I'm showing a ton and the doctor said it's because I have a shorter torso so I popped out right away. 

Weight gain: about 15 lbs so far. I'm now 141 lbs and my doctor told me I'm right on track. I swear it's all in my boobs ugh.

Maternity clothes: Still dresses, loving summer!

Sleep: I'm sleeping more through the night.

Best moment of the week: My 24 week check up! I love checking up on her and hearing her heartbeat and learning new things about what she's doing in there. I had to do my glucose test and learned that I process sugar very well.

Food cravings: Fruit! Raspberries, grapes, and mangoes. I'm trying to eat as healthy as I can.

Food aversions: Little to none.

Symptoms: Back ache!

Belly Button: About 90% outtie.

Wedding Ring on or off: On, no swelling.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Like, wanting to burst so happy.

Movement: Our doctor has me count 10 kicks every day and as long as she isn't completely still for a period of 8 hours, she's healthy. She is such an active baby!!  

Gender: Girl!

What I’m looking forward to: Getting completely settled into our house, finishing the front room, upstairs loft, and nursery.

What I miss: Nothing.

Next appt: June 16th

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My Gift From God

Ever since I was little, I'd never been the kind of person who knew what to say to people when they asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. The question always lingered but was never answered until I put my puzzle together over the last couple of years while finding out who I am. I never knew what I was going to school for or what I was going to do with a degree.

The best thing I knew and promised myself (and my pop) growing up was that I was going to establish some independence no matter what job I took on.

Yes, I know, I got married at 23 years old, but that doesn't mean I didn't keep my promise to myself. Even after we got married, Adam and I didn't join bank accounts nor did I rely on him to pay my bills. Actually, we literally just opened a joint account this past week that we've decided contributes to grocery shopping or whatever else we need/Adam wants to spoil me with. ;) Meanwhile, I continue to refuse to let him pay for my car or my health insurance because it's my piece of independence and that means a lot to me. 

However, as far as working or what my purpose in life or gift from God is, there is one big truth to it. And this is something that lit up my whole soul once I realized that it's what I've always, no matter what, wanted to be. It is my gift, talent, and purpose that God has given me. 

A Mama.

I was fearfully and wonderfully be a mama. And it is so obvious. Now, this may come off as bragging, and while it is, I don't mean to sound conceited or over the top. If you were to research a depiction of the most fertile body type or shape etc., you would practically be given a picture of me. The same goes with my morale and patience when it comes to children and raising them. Back to body: I was informed that women with a bigger bust yet smaller frame and narrow waist are the most fertile and on top of that, I was given some definite baby-bearin' hips.

I am beyond thrilled to have a baby girl in my arms in just 3 1/2 months that Adam and I created together! I count my blessings everyday for this gift and dream that has come true. 


23 Weeks

How far along: 23 weeks

How big is baby: She's the size of a grapefruit!

Weight gain: I hate this question.

Maternity clothes: I'm starting to need bigger things. I literally almost cried buying a size 10 (!!!) dress the other day. I'm returning it though because right after I bought that, I found a size small maxi dress that fits perfectly fine. Ha!

Sleep: About the same, I'm not waking up in the middle of the night as much to go to the bathroom but I am having crazy vivid dreams that wake me up pretty often.

Best moment of the week: Feeling her kick. It melts my heart.
Food cravings: I've never been too much of a starbucks person but the last week or so I've been relying on Starbucks frappuccinos daily. If I'm in a weird mood, if Ella (the little girl I nanny) is being tough, or if I just need something, I get a Frapp. I found this link that shares all these ways to mix up the flavors too. So far I've tried the S'mores frappuccino and the Black Forest one. So good! :)

35 Starbucks Drinks You Didn't Know You Could Order

Food aversions: Little to none.

Symptoms: Definitely feeling the back pain, I freaked when I saw a tiny little purple spot on my left side right above my hip so I guess I can consider that my first stretch mark and hopefully last! Ha ha. I've been using Vitamin E oil and St. Ives Collagen Elastin lotion constantly.

Belly Button: more so an outtie but still hasn't popped out 100%. 

Wedding Ring on or off: On, no swelling.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Like, wanting to burst so happy.

Movement: More and more each week but sometimes when I'm running around like crazy and not resting she hardly moves and when I finally do sit down to relax for a long period of time she goes crazy in there. 

Here's a little video of Harper kicking. She kicks on the right side and just once right after I breathe. ha :)

Gender: Girl!

What I’m looking forward to: Finishing painting her room (early morning sun yellow) and going to Babies R Us with Adam this weekend just to make sure we didn't miss anything on our registry ;)

What I miss: Nothing.

Next appt: May 16, 2014

Here's Adam's cousin, Kayla, and I with our bellies. She is due May 31st and is already 2 cm dialted so hopefully he comes early!! I'm so excited to meet Cayson Aaron McGuire

Sunday, May 4, 2014

22 Weeks

How far along: 22 weeks

How big is baby: Harper is the size of a papaya. At her 20 week utrasound, the technician said that she is right on track with her growth and weighed in at 11 oz. I read that she is about 1 lb (16 oz) now :)

I also read that babies this far along can now sense light and dark and have their sense of touch.

Weight gain: 139.4 lbs last I checked...I'll weigh again soon.

Maternity clothes: I can't fit into any of my shorts or pants so I've been wearing the pants above, maxi dresses, skirts and sweat pants mostly. Also, Adam's clothes have become mine around the house too.

Sleep: I have my energy back for the most part! However I still go to bed early like an old lady and the latest I sleep in is about 8 am. Which is actually perfect to me.

Best moment of the week: We started painting Harper's nursery this weekend! We went with "early morning sun" yellow which is on the lighter side and it's opened up that bedroom really bright. I love it.
Food cravings: Healthy foods! I'm really loving Spinach & herb wraps with turkey and loaded with veggies. Also, apples & whipped peanut butter for dessert. :)

Food aversions: Not as bad!

Symptoms: Definitely feeling the back pain. 

Belly Button: more so an outtie but still hasn't popped out 100%. 

Wedding Ring on or off: On, no swelling.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Sometimes I can feel the hormones trying to kick in strong and I feel like crying to no reason but it's never a sad thing it's just random and I learned how to laugh it off, so has Adam ha :)

Movement: She moves so much! I swear she thinks she's some kind of water dancer in there. Babies are said to sleep 14 hours out of the day so that must be at night time because there's a good amount of time during the day that she is just rolling around and kicking and punching. Unless she's just like her daddy and does all that in her sleep. ;)

Gender: Girl 💕💗🎀

What I’m looking forward to: An end to family drama (see below) and our baby shower!

What I miss: Nothing.

Next appt: May 16, 2014