Wednesday, May 14, 2014

23 Weeks

How far along: 23 weeks

How big is baby: She's the size of a grapefruit!

Weight gain: I hate this question.

Maternity clothes: I'm starting to need bigger things. I literally almost cried buying a size 10 (!!!) dress the other day. I'm returning it though because right after I bought that, I found a size small maxi dress that fits perfectly fine. Ha!

Sleep: About the same, I'm not waking up in the middle of the night as much to go to the bathroom but I am having crazy vivid dreams that wake me up pretty often.

Best moment of the week: Feeling her kick. It melts my heart.
Food cravings: I've never been too much of a starbucks person but the last week or so I've been relying on Starbucks frappuccinos daily. If I'm in a weird mood, if Ella (the little girl I nanny) is being tough, or if I just need something, I get a Frapp. I found this link that shares all these ways to mix up the flavors too. So far I've tried the S'mores frappuccino and the Black Forest one. So good! :)

35 Starbucks Drinks You Didn't Know You Could Order

Food aversions: Little to none.

Symptoms: Definitely feeling the back pain, I freaked when I saw a tiny little purple spot on my left side right above my hip so I guess I can consider that my first stretch mark and hopefully last! Ha ha. I've been using Vitamin E oil and St. Ives Collagen Elastin lotion constantly.

Belly Button: more so an outtie but still hasn't popped out 100%. 

Wedding Ring on or off: On, no swelling.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Like, wanting to burst so happy.

Movement: More and more each week but sometimes when I'm running around like crazy and not resting she hardly moves and when I finally do sit down to relax for a long period of time she goes crazy in there. 

Here's a little video of Harper kicking. She kicks on the right side and just once right after I breathe. ha :)

Gender: Girl!

What I’m looking forward to: Finishing painting her room (early morning sun yellow) and going to Babies R Us with Adam this weekend just to make sure we didn't miss anything on our registry ;)

What I miss: Nothing.

Next appt: May 16, 2014

Here's Adam's cousin, Kayla, and I with our bellies. She is due May 31st and is already 2 cm dialted so hopefully he comes early!! I'm so excited to meet Cayson Aaron McGuire