Sunday, June 15, 2014

28 Weeks

How far along: 28 weeks

How big is baby: Harper is the size of an eggplant!

Weight gain: 148.3 I have officially gained 23 lbs. In fact, I was steady and on track at my last appointment but this time the doctors took a minute to tell me that I gained too quick these last 4-5 weeks. I gained (they say) 9 lbs within the last 5 weeks when I should have only gained about 5 lbs. Obviously no pregnant woman wants to hear this, especially me being so body conscious already feeling whale-like with my arms and thighs growing so big. My first instinct was that from here on out I'm only going to eat chicken and rice and nothing processed, etc. etc. With all these hormones and cravings or whatever you call it (needing comfort foods), I'm just going to eat moderately and focus on not eating junk food as often as I had been.

Maternity clothes: The belly band has been coming in handy again when I'm too cold to wear a dress or skirt. Also, the rubber band trick to keep my pants buttoned rigged together. 

On another note, I think it's time to invest in some more form fitting clothes/dresses because I've been trying to wear looser maxi type dresses (like the black one and the bridesmaid dress below) and instead of hugging my bump (if you can even call this huge belly a bump anymore), they fall straight down and make me look like a walking whale. Meanwhile, I decided that form fitting dresses show all belly and I feel much more appealing that way.

Yes, that's red wine. Yes, I drink wine occasionally. But...I never finish a glass to myself. 

Sleep: The third trimester is officially sinking in because the exhaustion has come back with vengeance even though I'm getting a decent night's sleep lately. I literally could not keep my eyes open today and begged Adam that he approve of me getting starbucks (iced caramel macchiatos are 150 mg) since I'm not supposed to be drinking caffeine (doctors say not to have more than 200 or so mg a day).

Best moment of the week: My dad got married yesterday, Saturday, June 14th! It was such a beautiful wedding and reception. Paula chose tiffany blue and ivory as her colors so my sisters, her daughters, and I wore tiffany blue dresses as her bridesmaids. Adam and my brother were their groomsmen.

I look huge. I really don't feel like I look that big regularly, I'm blaming the lighting.

 On Friday, I went to the Louisville street fair with my sisters and some of their friends. We got funnel cake, kettle corn, and homemade root beer. I'm happy it's summer so I can be outdoors more! I wore that blue romper (above) that Julie gave to me and got tons of compliments. It's the perfect preggo outfit. :)

We got to celebrate Adam's first Father's Day! He doesn't feel like a daddy just yet but he definitely qualifies!

 Food cravings: Watermelon! I made this amazing watermelon summer salad today from Pinterest that was the perfect fix for my cravings. 

 It's literally just watermelon chunks, raspberries, mint leaves and spritzed with lime.

Food aversions: I'm not really having aversions but I'm trying to stay away from fatty foods as much as possible. It's nearly impossible.

Symptoms: Still having some tightening/hardening all around my stomach but most of the time it's her moving and pushing outward. Other than that and the total exhaustion, I have the usual back ache blah blah blah. And my skin still has yet to get that "pregnancy glow."
Belly Button: Outtie, completely.

Wedding Ring on or off: On, no swelling there or in my feet and I hope it stays that way!

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy but noticing that I'm starting to get easily irritable lately.

Movement: Her position changes and rolling around are really showing on the outside. My sisters and brother and Eddy and some other people finally got to feel her! While Grandma Sue could see her moving like crazy from across the patio while we were all sitting and chatting.

What I’m looking forward to: Mine and Adam's babymoon trip to our cabin this weekend! 5 days 5 days 5 days!

What I miss: This is so vain but....being skinny again. ugh.

Next appt: June 16th

Other things: I have never been much of a reader but it must be this nesting instinct or just being in my house so much that I'm going stir crazy and needing to find things to do besides living in my bed with netflix...soo I discovered the pregnancy book section at the library and rented Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. I didn't think I'd actually get into a pregnancy book but I was wrong because I finished that whole book in 3 nights. I have never read anything as hilarious and honest before! Such a perfect pregnancy pick me up. The title couldn't have fit better with it too.