Saturday, June 21, 2014

29 Weeks

How far along: 29 weeks - officially she could arrive in 7 to 11 weeks!!

How big is baby: Harper is the size of an acorn squash! At my doctor appointment on Monday they said she is right on track with where she should be in size at 29 weeks.

Weight gain: ugh.

Maternity clothes: I'm running out of just about anything and everything that fits over my belly.

Sleep: Can't. keep. my. eyes. open. EVER. Driving is becoming a little bit of a challenge because it nearly puts me to sleep and all day long I go in and out of exhaustion. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays I only work 8am - 1pm so most of the time I try to get home to take a nap but my naps are never enough. I don't actually ever fall asleep during them but I want to soo badly. Instead, I lay there for 2 hours or however long and rest but my mind is awake - back to freight train brain.

Best moment of the week: Adam & I went up to my family's cabin for our babymoon but only stayed Friday night (last night) and got back to our house around 6 (tonight). Adam had never been to our cabin before so it was really cool that we got to go there together and relax. Eddy & Julie met us up there and played cribbage, drank wine with us Adam, and spent the night. We all made breakfast in the morning and Julie & I went on a hike where we saw a handful of elk and deer (I'll post Adam's camera pictures later). Our dogs came up with us too! However, my mom's cousin that lived there recently had a cat so we had to leave earlier than planned since Adam is severely allergic to cats but it ended up being fine with us; we were so exhausted and missed our home/own bed! Plus, my sister is coming over tonight with our fire pit so we can make s'mores :)

 Food cravings: Sweets! Which is so weird because up until now I was mostly just craving fruit and now I want chocolate like crazy but I feel so guilty giving in to it. 

Food aversions: Chips. And most dry foods. It's not really an aversion but more of an anti-craving.

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks on and off, back ache, itchiness, and TMI but: boob leakage. It is crazy watching my body go through all of these strange things.
Belly Button: Outtie, completely.

Wedding Ring on or off: On, no swelling there or in my feet and I hope it stays that way!

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Exhausted. Irritable sometimes. I'm definitely starting to get that nesting itch where I want my whole house scrubbed clean and the carpets shampooed, etc. It's driving me crazy!

Movement: Tons of rolling, turning, giant kicks, and she's really all over my belly. Everybody says they feel hiccups with their babies but I don't think I've actually felt her hiccup yet.

What I’m looking forward to: Our baby shower! Then I can go baby shopping for all the left over things we need & finally get her nursery all settled in! :)

What I miss: All in - I thought pregnancy was supposed to make my hair, skin, nails, & all of that the best that they've ever been but it's actually done the opposite for me. Minus my nails, those are stronger and grow faster. As for my hair, eyelashes and skin - well they are all boycotting beauty lately. My hair is so dead and broken even with me letting the platinum/highlights grow out. My eyelashes have somehow become so short and minimal to the point where I'd either rather wear fake lashes or no makeup at all, while they used to be one of my own favorite features. And my skin...there's definitely no glow there. My face now has so many little bumps from the hormones and blemishes that I feel like I'm constantly needing a spray tan since it has a skin firming ingredient plus it adds glow ;)
Next appt: My 32 week appointment is July 14th. So close! 

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